Artezyme’s multi-enzymes composition can help you achieve the most from you feed and improves the bird’s digestion.
Derived from AAFCO approved source of organisms
Reduces the effect of anti-nutritional factors
Reduces feed costs
ImprovesFCR and growth rate
Increases dietary metabolizable energy
Improves litter and carcass quality
Administration: Per ton of finished feed:
Poultry: 200-300g per ton of feed Pidget 300g/MT Growing Pig: 200g/MT Ruminant: 300g/MT Aquaculture: (fish, shrimp): 200-300g/MT (or as directed by the veterinarian) 200g/MT Available as: 25kg
the tormation or cleavage of fats, and are a subclass of the esterases. They perform essential roles in the digestion, transport and processing of dietary lipids